Simple setup, easy-to-install software and advanced integration features makes DrawingBoard VI the industry leader for Computer-Aided Design and graphic arts applications. Integrated USB and RS-232 Serial connections allow power to be supplied through designated ports, providing instant and unlimited access to computer applications.
DrawingBoard VI™ Small Format Graphics Tablet
Connect and create
Integrated USB and RS-232 Serial connections allow power to be supplied through designated ports, providing instant and unlimited access to computer applications.
Go beyond pen and paper
Enhance inspired designs with state-of-the-art positioning grid technology engineered for superior quality and reliability.
Freedom of expression
Explore and discover new sources of inspiration. Select from a variety of cursors and stylus pens to successfully create powerful and natural designs.
This small-format graphics tablet boasts the industry’s highest resolution and accuracy and is engineered to produce high-resolution imagery for exceptional composition and performance.
Inspire creative design with DrawingBoard VI.

Select the high-performance tool that makes your design stand out.
DrawingBoard VI graphics tablets are compatible with a variety of cursors and pointing devices for increased efficiency and superior quality. Each tablet features a recessed menu area and clear overlay that holds templates and menus in place, significantly enhancing user productivity by consolidating multiple mouse selections into a single point-and-click action.
Choice of pointing devices:
Cordless or corded 4-button cursor
Cordless or corded 16-button cursor
Cordless or corded click-tip pen with two side buttons
Cordless lite-touch pen with two side buttons
Cordless pressure-tip pen with two side buttons
Backed by a one-year limited warranty.
Extended warranty available. (U.S. only)